» »Unlabelled » JotForm Tuesday Tip: Receive Attachments via Forms in 3 Easy Steps

By: Unknown Posted date: 21:23:00 Comments: 0
If you require customers to send you attachments, such as a resume, illustrations or photos, JotForm makes it easy to include this option right in your forms.
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Receive Attachments via Forms 3 Steps
If you require customers to send you attachments, such as a resumé, illustrations or photos, JotForm makes it easy to include this option right in your forms.

By using the File Upload feature, you can:
   Avoid the hassle of managing email attachments
   Specify the number and size of attachments
   Establish the types and formats of files you'll accept
It only takes a few mouse clicks and you're ready to go!
Here's how you do it:
Step 1: Open your form and select the File Upload field.
Tuesday Tips - Step 1
Step 2: Then you can specify the file types and formats, and the maximum file size from the "Options" tab.
Tuesday Tips - Step 2
Step 3: If you want to accept multiple files, go to the "Multiple" tab and adjust the number of files you'll accept in a submission.
Tuesday Tips - Step 3
Learn More About Attaching Documents
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