Get Back-to-School Ready with JotForm
By: Unknown Posted date: 22:17:00 Comments: 0
| | | | We all remember the feeling of waking up for the first day of school. It was probably the only day of the year that you woke up unnecessarily early on purpose. Fresh new notebooks, newly sharpened pencils, the most lavish breakfast you'd have on a weekday, and you were ready to go! It's all fun and games for the kids, but for school administrators and teachers, preparation was required to kick off the year right. Use JotForm to get your school or classroom in order so that you can feel more like the kids on the first day of school. | | | | New Feature: Send File Attachments with Autoresponder Emails | | JotForm has many upload related features. New this month, you can now attach files to your Autoresponder Emails to automatically send important items to your form respondents. | | | | | | | | Tools to Facilitate a Productive Classroom in 2016-2017 | | Whether you're running a whole department, or just a classroom, technology can help you stay organized and productive. That's why JotForm offers apps to help make educators' jobs easier, regardless of their role with the school. | | | | | | | | Avoid Making These Costly Donation Form Mistakes | | Watch out for these common mistakes when putting together your donation form to make sure you're getting the most from the opportunity. | | | | | | | | 5 Free Form Themes for the New School Year | | School administrators and teachers can use JotForm for feedback forms, registration, scholarship applications, voting for student officers, and more! Check out these education form themes that are free for you to customize and use. | Club Registration Form | | | | | | | | Theme of the Month | | Scholarship Form | | | | | | | | | | JotForm Inc. 1700 Montgomery St San Francisco, CA 94111 Trouble viewing this email? Click here to view this on your browser. Receiving this since you have a JotForm account: ddirextory . No longer want to receive emails from JotForm? Unsubscribe | | | | |
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