» »Unlabelled » Announcing JotForm 4.0 -- Build forms anywhere, anytime

By: Unknown Posted date: 20:48:00 Comments: 0

On Feburary 1, JotForm will reveal a new way you can build forms anywhere, anytime. Want a sneak peek at what we've been working on?



Build forms anywhere, anytime.

We've redesigned JotForm with mobile and most importantly, you in mind. Now you can build forms from any mobile device with ease, publish forms in less time, collaborate with team members, and more.

Try JotForm 4.0 Now


See what you can do with JotForm 4.0



Mobile Form Building

Create and deploy online forms
using any device, from
any place.



Real Time Collaboration

Collaborate with multiple people
at the same time without
worrying about losing changes.



Embedded Designer

The Form Designer and Theme Store
are now embedded directly in the Form Builder.



Revision History

View changes by you or
your team members and publish previous versions.



Instant Preview

Watch your form evolve as you
build it and instantly preview
and test.



Offline Form Building

Edit your form even without
internet access. All of your edits
will be uploaded once you online.



Try JotForm 4.0 Now

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JotForm 4.0 is on Product Hunt
JotForm 4.0 arrives on Feb 1

Notes :
1. Harap Berkomentar Sesuai Dengan Aturan.
2. Tidak Diperbolehkan Untuk Mempromosikan Barang Atau Jasa.
3. Bagi Komentar Yang Menautkan Link Aktif Dianggap Spam.
Selamat Berkomentar... :D


