» »Unlabelled » JotForm Tuesday Tip: Accept Online Payments in 3 Steps

By: Unknown Posted date: 21:11:00 Comments: 0

Setting up payments is a breeze. JotForm provides a variety of payment processing options, including: PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.Net, and Square. It's easy to sell products, subscriptions, or collect donations.

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Tuesday Tips

JotForm makes it easy to accept payments in 3 easy steps!

Setting up payments is a breeze.

JotForm provides a variety of payment processing options, including: PayPal, Stripe, Dwolla, and Square. It's easy to sell products, subscriptions, or collect donations.

To get started, it only takes three steps:

Step 1: Open your payment form.

Tuesday Tips - Step 1

Step 2: Select your favorite payment provider and drag it to your form.

Tuesday Tips - Step 2

Step 3: Follow the instructions to link your payment and JotForm accounts.

Tuesday Tips - Step 3

When you're finished, publish your form and start accepting payments in minutes!

Learn More About Accepting Payments


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Tuesday Tips

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